Palermo- Achim –Palermo
We travelled from Palermo to Bremen and then to Achim on 27 Nov 2013 for the big meeting on volunteering. On our first day at Cato Bontjes van Beek Gymnasium we explained to all our school partners, students and teachers all the volunteering activities we have been doing at school to help raise money for charity organizations and other needy people such as refugees. We mentioned the Comenius football match that was played last spring to contribute to the fundraising activity in this project and how a bake sale was planned for the school community for the 13th of December, the day of Santa Lucia. We also illustrated the commitment a group of fellow students have with the church of Santa Chiara in the city centre and the children of migrant families, coming mostly from Africa who live in the neighbourhood.
The greatest thing we did in Germany was the Christmas market! Everybody brought something from home and sold it for charity.
The German school also organized several interesting activities: we visited the historic city of Bremen, the Mercedes-Benz factory, and the Klimahaus in Bremenhaven. This attraction is a sort of science museum where you can see the whole world just walking through different rooms where particular habitats are recreated according to their climates.
In our spare time we could do several activities with our host families: some of us went to Hamburg, in fact. And one evening we all had a pizza together.
All in all it was a a great experience to meet again, learn about the German lifestyle in a German family, practice our English and visit amazing places.
Category Archives: Fundraising activities
Our Volunteering Activities
A PPT made by Vito Cerniglia to show this year’s volunteering activities at Liceo Classico Vittorio Emanuele II
Volunteering In Palermo
Volunteering in Palermo
Sicilian people have always been very hospitable and they have always shown great tolerance to people of other faiths and origins.
Traditionally young people in Sicily are actively involved in church associations as well as in the Scouts.
Young people in Palermo are becoming more and more aware of social injustice and are willing to care for and work for the destitute.
Thanks to the project, the Comenius group of students successfully organized a football match in March 2013 to raise money to bring to Malaga.
Another example is how the Liceo students have reacted to the Lampedusa migrant shipwreck in Oct. 2013. Teachers and students of the Liceo Classico Vittorio Emanuele have met experts, such as journalists, doctors, NGO members, on several occasions, in order to acquire more information on the topical issue of immigration across the Mediterranean sea and how it is to be dealt with.
Many initiatives have been planned throughout the school year; some have been already carried out, such as a fundraising bazaar at school on 13 Dec., the proceeds of which were donated to the migrant shelter at Piana degli Albanesi, a small city near Palermo.
There is also active collaboration going on with the Church of Santa Chiara in the centre of Palermo, which hosts several social services aimed at temporary and stable immigrants; several students and teachers from the Liceo are engaged every week in volunteer service and are busy helping migrant children and adults with school homework, teaching the Italian language and organizing sports activities.
On 1 March, the day of the Migrants in Italy, the school held a conference inviting many people belonging to the different migrant communities in Palermo to discuss, together with some experts, about the rights of foreign people and to perform and share some dances and poem readings.
Tamper Charity Work
Link to the Youtube video.
Stratford’s Charity Video
Link to the video on youtube.