Category Archives: Málaga – Spain
Spanish students at Gorowo
Here you can read how Sofía, Quino and Dani lived their experience at Gorowo.
I shall explain you a little bit about our amazing experience in Górowo Iławeckie, a small village near the Polish border. I spent such a wonderful and enriching trip with my mates Sofía and Daniel and my teachers Angela and Eloísa.
On Tuesday, we had to travel from Malaga to London, we stayed there for a night, and on Wednesday then we had to catch a plane from London to Gdánsk, an important coastal city. Finally, we landed in Gdánsk at the lunchtime, and we had to take a two-hour bus to Gorowo. At last, we arrived to Gorowo at 6 pm, which is their dinnertime, so Daniel and I went with our twins to a pizza restaurant.
On Thursday, I met up with the whole Comenius group in the highschool early in the morning to do some sightseeing around the school, which is greatly large, and around the village. Then I could notice that there in Poland there is a lot of admiration for Pope John Paul II.
In the afternoon, we went to Bezledy, which is one of the European border points with Russia, and we had the opportunity to manage some weapons, as the sniper rifle you can see here. We also went to Bartszyce, which is like the provincial city, to visit the fire department and the local newspaper. At night, we went out with the entire Comenius group to a disco and afterwards we walked around the village.
On Friday, we met at Barka, which is like a public building for social and cultural events, and we had to show our slideshows about employing and volunteering in our cities. Thereafter, we were doing some handicraft and workshop, as the same time as some of us were playing table tennis and even dancing. We had such a wonderful and funny time there, because we could get to know among us. At last, at night, I went to Daniel’s house to spend some time and afterwards we met up with the whole Comenius group in a typical Polish restaurant, where we could even make a party.
In the last day together, on Saturday, everybody went to Olzstyn, the capital city of the district, wich was an important region in medieval times, and we visited the Olsztyn Castle, where Nicholas Copernicus lived, and the Old Town, which was impressive. Thereafter we could go shopping and do some ice-skating. In the evening, we went to a farewell party outdoors, and we had the most wonderful time of the week, listening to some music, dancing, making loads of photos and talking around the fire.
On Sunday, I was awake so early in the morning, like 4 am, to take the bus to Gdánsk. It was bitterly cold, like -4º, so in the bus everyone was sleeping and dreaming. We arrived in Gdánsk at the morning, and there we spent our last time with the Comenius people. After the farewell, we were travelling from Poland to Spain the entire day, so we landed in Malaga around 10 pm.
From my point of view, the chance of travelling to Górowo has been blissful. Even if at the beginning of the trip I was quite nervous wondering what would I do there, the mighty kindness and welcoming of the Polish people made me enjoy the days I stayed there.
Even having met many people from several cultures and languages, I could get through and get along with everyone, meeting people with many common interests. I had such a great, amazing time with the entire Comenius group, singing, dancing and doing loads of things with them.
My travel to Poland was amazing with Quino and Dani.
We sleept a little but it was worthy. I though that Poland was different, and the difference was a great surprise for me. My twin,Ewa, is a fantastic girl. She and her family took me in so good.
I was impresed by their frozen lake and their contrast between the cold outside and the heat inside the houses.I really like these landscape.
The first night we went to their park and the supermarket. I met a lot of people from other countries.We started dancing this night,with Spanish songs,Italian songs and Polish songs.I went to bed so early because I was so tired.
The second day we went to their highschool. There we could met another people and we visited their highschool. Then we visited to the firemen station and to the local newspapper. At night,we went to ate pizza in a pub.
The third day we went to Barka to explain our presentation and made handcraft.We danced too.These night we ate pizza again and dance again.This was a exciting night.
The fourth day we went to other town. We made sightseeing. Then we spent a funny time ice-skating.
The night of the fourth day was the best night for me.We celebrated our depart with a barbecue.We danced,talked,played,made a lot of photos… and we cried because we didn’t want to say goodbye.
Last day,we had to got up early to went to the airport. We were all less Italian girls. I huged everybody but especially Ewa.I miss her so much.
I really this travel because we were together all the time. We were always dancing and laughing ,we were happy.
My sourvenirs from this travel are the experience,English, as a way of comunication, and The unforgettable time together.
When we heard we had to travel from Malaga to London, from London to Gdansk, and finally, from Gdansk to Górowo, and that we had to travel during a good many of hours, we were surprised! Why travelling during lots of hours to visit a country which is not so well-known between people in Spain?
The answer to the question “why Poland?” is the following: it’s different.
The first day, I was so confused, and asking myself “How have I finished here? Why I’m here? Why is everything so different? Why it’s not just like Malaga?”.
But I realized that being different is not a blockage, it’s not an obstacle, it’s an opportunity to say “yes, I visited an unknown country, and I’m proud of it!”, it’s an opportunity to know more things about the habits in the north of Europe, the way of behaving of the people (we thought people’s behaving will be different, but they are so nice, so greatful!), and so on.
I liked so much Górowo because it’s a smallvillage with huge houses, with lots of gardens… I believe Górowo is like a way of represent the nature.
And I think everybody will ask themselves “and, what about the cold climate?”. And I have an answer to this! You only have to take a big jacket and enjoy of having a walk around Górowo: the Town Hall (where there were burnt witches 500 years ago), the ukrainian church (it was destroyed by Nazi people, but ukrainian rebuilt it and now it forms part of Europe history), the frozen lake (so beautiful!)…
But we didn’t stay in Górowo all the time. We visited Olsztyn and Bartoszyce (I think this two towns are written in this way!), the borders between Russia and Poland, a shopping center (cheaper than in Malaga!), an ice-skating floor…
I think they were several magic days. I learnt so much about polish culture, polish habits, polish music (strange, but I love polish music!)… And if somebody say me if I want to visit it again, I will smile, and I will say “yes, I will get back there”.
Málaga mobility summary
The theme of the mobility in Málaga was “Job opportunities for young people”
Basically the activities we carried through with the students were the folowing:
- “Role playing: employers and employees”: Students experienced how an unemployment benefit affects the average salary and the companies profits.
- “Presentations about opportunities of employment”: Spanish students showed their work on the theme
- “Modelling job opportunities research process”: Students modelled how to search job opportunties back at their schools
- “Sharing fundraising experiences”: Students showed what fundraising activities had carried out to get money for Charity in their schools.
- “Spanish lunch at school”: Spanish students brought meals made at home to share Spanish recipes with their twins.
- “Sports activities at the beach”: Fun games which were planned in previous mobilities.
- “Orienteering activity”: Organised by Club Coma ( at the Morlaco Park.
Also that friday some teachers visited the “San Miguel” brewery in Málaga. The folowing day all the teachers were in a trip to Seville. All the students were with their Spanish twins during their weekend doing activities planned in advanced.
As the coordinator of this project in Málaga I have to say that I could have never expected to find such a kind and collaborative group of young people. Even in the Economics experiment (normally is something boring for them) they tried their best and the outcome was excellent. They left an indelible mark in both the Spanish families and the teachers.
Also I am really grateful to all the foreign teachers for their cooperation in every moment and their superb work throughout the days we had the privilege to share with them. The activities that needed their collaboration, as the meetings at the library or the sports activities were an absolut success. Besides I always felt their support through their actions and continuous smiles. Our Comenius staff in Malaga thanked their friendliness and their wonderful attitude towards any activity we suggested.
Malaga mobility evaluation
Here you have three documents with the evaluation of the mobility made by the students and the teachers involved.
1.- Malaga mobility evaluation made at the assembly hall (teachers and students)
Sport activities at the Málaga mobility
In Malaga the students had the opportunity of practising some sport activities they had planned in advance. On thursday evening they played some games at the beach, and on Friday morning they were practising orieenteing in a park just in the heart of the city centre and in the afternoon they came back again to the beach to play more games. Here you have some pictures of them. To see more click on both pictures.