In these five days in November 2012 sixteen school partners came to Palermo. They were students from five countries: Poland, Germany, Spain, Finland and England. The principal theme was tourism.
During this meeting we spoke about how tourism is able to influence our future. Moreover examples of the cultural heritage of Sicily were shown and we learned why protecting culture and customs is important. Sicily in fact has so many artistic, cultural and naturalist aspects which could give us a lot of job opportunities.
A significant moment of the meeting was the visit to the Tourist Office of the Region of Sicily where some specialists gave us information about tourism and the region. An American girl living temporarily in Palermo talked about the highlights of her experience of Palermo and the territory.
At school we made a brainstorming to speak and collect ideas about our theme in Palermo . It was very interesting because we shared opinions and facts. We also met a tourist guide and she told us about her long experience in this field.
We visited many important historical and artistic places together with a guide.We went on a day trip to Cefalù which is a very important tourist area not far from Palermo. There we visited the Norman cathedral and we climbed the “rock” of Cefalù, then we went to the amazing beach. During the last evening we made an evening tour of the city centre.