It was at last our turn! We, Clarissa, Federica and Serena, went to Górowo for the Comenius meeting which focused on employment.
Our trip to Poland was very tiring but the stay in Gorowo was amazing. In fact we had a wonderful welcoming from our twins and their families.
We spent four days there but we learned a lot about employment and … unemployment in the countries of the other Comenius students: we showed our powerpoint presentations and one day we worked together in groups to make gadgets for ill people. We also visited some important work places, such as the Russian border, the barracks of the firefighters and the office of a local newspaper.
In our free time we went to see Olsztyn Castle and we could go ice-skating and shopping.
The best part of the trip was meeting and making friends with all the people involved coming from different European counties. We had the opportunity to improve our English talking about everything and we taught each other typical dances and songs.
The last evening together we made a barbecue and had so much fun!
Of course when we left, we were all crying!